Who did the skeleton go to the prom with?
Trick Question - He had noBODY to go with!
Who did the skeleton go to the prom with?
Trick Question - He didn't have the guts to ask anyone!
For real this time, who did the skeleton go to the prom with?
His Ghoul friend!
Why did the skeleton cross the road?
To get to the body shop!
Why do ghosts go to the bar?
For the spirits!
Why don't ghosts like the rain?
It dampens their spirits!
Why do ghost like riding in elevators?
Because it raises their spirits?
Where do ghosts like to go for a swim?
Lake Erie!
What is a ghosts favorite band?
The Grateful Dead!
What animals do ghosts keep in their stables?
Night Mares!
What do you call a tree that just saw a ghost?
Petrified wood!
Why did the ghost take his ghoulfriend to see his home town?
He wanted to introduce her to his old haunts!
Why is the ghost such a messy eater?
Because he is always a goblin!
Where did the goblin throw the football?
Over the ghoul line!
What do you call a huanted chicken?
A poultry-geist!
Where do werewolves live?
In a were-house!
How do you keep a monster from biting his nails?
Give him screws!
Why did the monster's mother knit him three socks for Halloween?
She heard he grew another foot!
How many witches does it take to change a lightbulb?
Depends on what they are changing it into!
Why did the cyclops quit teaching?
He only had one pupil!
Who are some of the were-wolves cousins
The what-wolves and when-wolves!